You got a Broken link, Don’t Panic
This site underwent a major redesign and in the process a lot of information was removed because it was stale. However, much of this information was widely linked on the net. So you’re likely a victim of the downside of a hyperlinked system without distributed garbage collection mechanisms. Our sincere excuses. We can provide you the following help to locate the information you need. If you still can’t find it, do not hesitate to contact us.
Articles, Presentations, etc.
The previous incarnation of this site contained a lot of OSGi related information that was removed because it was old and confused people. Presentations, articles, etc. Much of this information can be found on the Github repository that backs this website. And don’t forget to consult the OSGi Alliance’s website of course.
OSGi Tutorials and Presentations
If you are looking for OSGi information, we suggest you consult the OSGi enRoute website. This web site is the best resource to learn and understand OSGi. We are proud to have contributed significantly to OSGi enRoute and highly recommend it to learn about OSGi.
The Manual of bnd and Bndtools
The most often sought document on the previous incarnation of site was the bnd manual. Since bnd was originally an aQute project (bnd still uses its pacakge namespace) this site hosted the manual. However, to make it more neutral (and easier to maintain) we therefore moved it to