Dining Philosophers Problem
In computer science, the dining philosophers problem is an example problem often used in concurrent algorithm design to illustrate synchronization issues and techniques for resolving them.
It was originally formulated in 1965 by Edsger Dijkstra as a student exam exercise, presented in terms of computers competing for access to tape drive peripherals. Soon after, Tony Hoare gave the problem its present formulation.
Problem statement
Five silent philosophers sit at a round table with bowls of spaghetti. Forks are placed between each pair of adjacent philosophers.
Each philosopher must alternately think and eat. However, a philosopher can only eat spaghetti when they have both left and right forks. Each fork can be held by only one philosopher and so a philosopher can use the fork only if it is not being used by another philosopher. After an individual philosopher finishes eating, they need to put down both forks so that the forks become available to others. A philosopher can take the fork on their right or the one on their left as they become available, but cannot start eating before getting both forks.
Eating is not limited by the remaining amounts of spaghetti or stomach space; an infinite supply and an infinite demand are assumed.
The problem is how to design a discipline of behavior (a concurrent algorithm) such that no philosopher will starve; i.e., each can forever continue to alternate between eating and thinking, assuming that no philosopher can know when others may want to eat or think.
Alloy Model
We will now create an Alloy model around this problem statement.
First we’ll create a Table. This Table has a setting of Philosophers and Forks.
The setting
relation maintains which Philosopher has picked up which fork. For
brevity we use P for Philosophers.
The line open util/ordering[Table]
orders all possible Table atoms, we will use this
later when we create a trace.
open util/ordering[Table]
sig Table {
setting : P -> Fork
sig Fork {}
Each Philosopher has a neighbour next. We define a left and a right fork, where the right fork of a Philosopher is the left fork of its next neighbour.
sig P {
next : P,
left, right : Fork
} {
right = next.@left
Currently the Philosophers are not yet nicely seated on a round table. To enforce
this, we need to make sure that they are placed in a ring. We can define this
by making sure that every Philosopher can see the while group in the next
when we traverse this transitively. The transitive operator is ^
To make it more readable, we create a macro that defines this ‘ringness’ aspect. Although it is only used once, it makes for easier to read specs.
let ring[group] =
all member : group | member.^next = group
We also must ensure that Philosophers all have their own fork. We ensure this
by forcing the left and right relations bijections. That is, each Philosopher
has its own Fork. (We ensure that both left
and right
are bijections but we actually
only have to ensure one since this will then automatically enforce the other. However,
for readability it is clearer to point out they are both bijections.
The bijective
macro is defined at the end of this specification.
We can then combine these facts in an Alloy fact
fact Ring {
bijective[left] and bijective[right]
Philosopher Actions
We’re interested to see any deadlocks. We therefore define a number of actions.
- take – A Philosopher takes one fork if a fork is available.
- eat – A Philosopher eats if it has two forks, it then puts the forks down.
- wait – Otherwise the Philosopher waits.
For each action, we define a macro that updates the setting
in a Table based on
a previous Table. I.e. we use the Table as a state that we trace. (This is the reason we
ordered the Table’s.) The table
is the previous table and table'
is the next table.
Each macro starts with a precondition. If this is true, it updates the next table using a utility macro.
let take[ philosopher, fork, table, table'] {
no table.setting.fork
table'.update[ table.setting + philosopher -> fork ]
let eat[ philosopher, table, table' ] {
let forks = table.setting[philosopher] {
# forks = 2
table'.update[ table.setting - philosopher->forks ]
For the wait
method we need some extra thinking. If the wait is a valid step then
we cannot detect deadlock. Deadlock is really when no Philosopher can make either eat
or take a fork. We therefore write the wait function specially so that we
can assert later that there is at least one valid step for at least one Philosopher
which is not wait. We make that distinction by passing either the next table or none.
The wait macro only works when we pass next Table.
let wait[p,table,tableOrNone'] = {
one tableOrNone'
tableOrNone'.setting = table.setting
let update[table',settings'] = no table' or table'.setting=settings'
We now create a step
function that reflects the steps that a Philosopher can take
at any moment in time.
pred step[ philosopher : P, table : Table, table' : lone Table ] {
philosopher.take[ philosopher.left, table, table' ]
or philosopher.take[ philosopher.right, table, table' ]
or philosopher.eat[ table, table' ]
or philosopher.wait[ table, table' ]
We now get to the heart of the model, the trace. A trace is a fact that takes an ordered state (Table in our case) and ensures there is a defined initial state and only modifies the state according to our action macros.
In this case, we clear the first table setting. This means no Philosopher holds a fork. We then iterate over the ordered tables and ask each Philosopher to make a step. At any moment in time (well for each Table), at least one Philosopher should be able to make some progress.
In the trace we always pass a next Table so a valid trace is only Philosophers waiting.
fact trace {
no first.setting
all table : Table - last |
some p : P | p.step[ table, table.next ]
We can now run the model for 4 Philosophers.
run { #P = 4 } for 4
We also want to see if when the deadlock happens. This happens when no Philosopher
can do a step excluding the wait
assert Liveliness {
no table : Table | no philosopher : P | philosopher.step[table,none]
check Liveliness for 5 but exactly 4 P, 4 Fork, 4 int
Helper Macros
And a few helper macros
let bijective[relation] = ( all d,r : univ | d.relation = r <=> relation.r = d )
let domain[ relation ] = relation.univ
let range[ relation ] = univ.relation